The Collegian
Sunday, October 06, 2024

Have you heard: Dudley Versaci

Dudley Versaci's interests in music began during the fourth grade when he started listening to the songs of Aerosmith.

From there, Versaci moved onto Nirvana during his pre-teen adolescence and has continued to develop his interests in music since. He now listens mainly to rap, but said he still maintains an appreciation for pop classics.

"I like rap," he said, "But pop tunes from the late 1990s and early 2000s are a closet pleasure because they're karaoke crowd pleasers."

He bumps the beats most when he is driving his silver Volvo station wagon or his roommate's "blacked out Denali."

If he is driving the latter, Versaci plays tracks that make him feel like he actually owns the black-on-black and tinted Denali with black rims. Versaci has pursued his interests in rap and records with his hip-hop group 8-Ball Clique, which he said he hopes to be releasing an album in this spring.

The top four songs on his playlist, "Jimmy Record," "1980," "Electric Feel" and "No Social," make him reminisce about being abroad in Australia last spring.

"I like these four because of Triple J radio in Australia." he said. "My man Hylinski and I would ride around in 'Olga,' our 88 Land Cruiser, and bump Triple J because I broke the cassette player the first week by putting an iPod adapter in backwards."

There is no method to how Versaci picks his music, he said, but he recommends these seven tracks as well as Celph Titled's four-CD compilation entitled "The Gatalogue," all the work of Biggie Smalls, "the Notorious B.I.G," and the recordings of 8-Ball Clique.

Contact staff writer Jessica Murray at

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