The Collegian
Sunday, October 06, 2024

What the future holds, from the CDC


Year One: Adjust to College Life

* Learn all you can about UR and the Richmond community

* Make connections with faculty, staff and fellow students and get involved on campus

* Take a variety of classes and keep an open mind about your major

* Meet with a CDC adviser to explore your interests

Year Two: Pick a Major

* Use CDC self-assessment tools to learn about your interests, abilities and values

* Prepare a resume to begin the search for a summer job, internship or learning experience

Year Three: Translate Experiences into Career Goals

* Choose three to five interests and relate them to career goals

* Make connections with professionals in fields that interest you and gain experience through jobs, internships or learning experiences

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* Explore graduate or professional school options; take entrance exams

* Utilize CDC resources on resumes, interviewing and graduate school preparation

Year Four: Implement your Goals

* Organize a self-directed job search plan

* Refine your resume and do a mock interview in the CDC

* Finish graduate or professional school applications, if you have chosen to go

CDC Events:

Sept. 24: UR Career Fair, explore industries and career paths.

Sept. 29: On-campus interview program begins.

Read this new column from the CDC every week to find tips that will help

you prepare for your future.

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