The Collegian
Sunday, October 06, 2024

Comment Policy Change

Part of the Collegian's mission is to provide a forum for the free exchange of ideas, and we are proud of the discussions that our opinion section and online edition have fostered.

But as the semester has progressed, some of the comments for online articles have moved away from a discussion of ideas, morphing into anonymous and very public attacks on the personalities and lifestyles of the people who write articles, columns and comments on our Web site.

The Collegian's policy for print opinion submissions is that they must be accompanied by the writer's name, unless the editor grants a writer's request for anonymity. This happens rarely -- only twice during the past year were anonymous articles published. This policy is designed to prevent the kind of personal comments that have surfaced on the Web site.

In response to these comments, the editors have decided to implement a new policy for online posts. An editor will approve all comments on the Web site before they are publicly posted. Anonymous comments will also no longer be accepted without approval from an editor.

Any writer wishing to express an anonymous opinion may submit it to Only the editor in chief and managing editor will have access to the comments, and the writers' identities will remain strictly confidential.

Any questions, comments or concerns about the change in policy may also be sent to

Thank you,

Barrett Neale

Editor in Chief

Emily Baltz

Managing Editor

Nick Mider

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