The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Former U.Va. standout named women's lacrosse coach

The search for a new head coach for the University of Richmond women's lacrosse team has ended.

Stephy Samaras, a former University of Virginia defender and two-time All-American, will take over the program, which has now filled the opening left after the unexpected resignation in March of former women's lacrosse coach Sue Murphy.

Samaras played for Virginia from 1997-2000 and reached the NCAA Championship game with the Cavaliers in 1998 and 1999. She held her first coaching position at Yale University, where she served as an assistant from 2000-02, before moving on to become the head coach at Quinnipiac University from 2002-05.

Samaras most recently coached the Wales National team from 2005-08 and led the program to a European Championship in 2008.

"We are extremely excited to welcome coach Samaras to the University of Richmond," assistant athletic director LaRee Sugg said in a statement. "Her playing experience on the collegiate and National Team level as well as her diverse experience and enthusiasm for lacrosse will bring a fresh outlook to the program."

Samaras will take over a team that started the 2009 season 0-10 before winning six of its final eight games and reaching the Atlantic 10 semifinals.

Murphy resigned after athletic department officials discovered that she was operating an outside fund that violated department policy. Women's soccer coach Peter Albright stepped in for Murphy as interim head coach during the final ten games of the season.


This story will be updated with additional quotes and information as it becomes available.

Contact staff writer Reilly Moore at

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