The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Two-Minute Drill: 9/10/09

• Chad Ochocinco has promised fans that he has a surprise brewing via Twitter for the season opener on Sunday against the Cleveland Browns. ... The problem with that is, Ochocinco has to limit his big mouth to only 140 characters. That's like a clown with a red nose and no makeup; it just can't be that entertaining.

• Four young men were arrested Tuesday night for stealing a monument to Cal Ripken Jr. outside of Baltimore's Camden Yards. ... Apparently the men thought that sitting through 12 consecutive losing seasons by the Orioles entitled them to some compensation.

• Allen Iverson confirmed Wednesday that he will continue his NBA career with the Memphis Grizzlies. ... Coincidentally, Iverson has been irrelevant for just as long as Memphis.

• LaGarrett Blount, the Oregon running back who punched a Boise State player in the face following the Ducks' 19-8 loss last Friday, has been suspended for the remainder of his senior season. ... Talk about a lame duck.

• On Tuesday night, police arrested a fan who rushed onto the court at the U.S. Open and kissed Spanish tennis star Rafael Nadal. ... Obviously the fan has never seen Nadal's girlfriend, Maria Francisca Perello, or he would have known that Nadal is already doing pretty well for himself.

Contact staff writer Reilly Moore at

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