The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rapper Afroman to perform on campus during Pig Roast


Last spring, Guster played a concert in the Robins Center. This spring, the big-name artist of the season will be a little more unusual.

The Campus Activities Board has booked rapper Afroman to perform during Pig Roast on March 27, 2010.

"We wanted to do Afroman because he really fits the party atmosphere of Pig Roast," said Josh Huffines, the president of CAB. "Everyone knows him and he's got some catchy songs."

CAB tries to sponsor a few concerts every year, but in the past, it has not usually been able to book rappers. This year, its members wanted something different.

"We wanted to have a rapper because usually that doesn't happen here," CAB music co-chairman Chris Tomarrello said.

Not only is Afroman a rapper, but his lyrics are often vulgar and raunchy. His two most well-known songs are "Because I Got High" and "Crazy Rap."

Tommarrello said Afroman's unique style had been part of the reason CAB wanted him to perform on campus.

"We wanted to have it as more of a college event, where it might seem like total mayhem, but that's fine," he said.

In order to officially book Afroman, CAB had to get the approval of Greek Life director Alison Bartel-Keller, CAB faculty adviser John O'Donnell and the Interfraternity Council. Although Tommarello said there were some initial questions, CAB faced no significant objections.

"Some of the adults objected to him because they didn't know enough about him," Tommarello said. "They thought about themselves before the students. It might seem trashy and offensive, but sometimes that is exactly what we want to hear."

CAB works on a limited budget, but Afroman was affordable, Huffines said.

"The entire show is probably going to cost us around $8,000," he said. "That's his fee [and the cost] for the stage and the sound, too."

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Tommarello also said Afroman was easier to work with than previous artists. Before Guster performed last spring, its list of requests had been 40 pages long. Afroman's was only two pages.

"He asked for 12 towels, 12 bottles of water, two bottles of Colt 45 and some champagne," Tommarello said. "Unfortunately for all artists, we can't give them alcohol, but working with him was much easier."

CAB considered some other options, including rapper Wale, but decided Afroman's low asking price and well-known name would make him an ideal performer. Tomarello said CAB had brought talented artists to campus in the past, but without big names, students were apathetic.

"Unless there's a name recognition, no one on campus will come," he said.

As of now, CAB is planning to have Afroman perform in the parking lot outside of the fraternity lodges near the end of the Pig Roast festivities.

"We considered the [University] Forum," Tommarello said, "but we wanted it to be where the party was."

Because of budget constraints, there is no plan for other artists to perform or for an opening act, although Tommarello said there was a possibility that CAB could book a local rapper to go on before Afroman.

"I hope Afroman is obscure enough, funny enough and entertaining enough so we can all come together on a day meant for celebration and have a great time," Tommarello said.

Huffines agreed and said he hoped Afroman would make the 2010 Pig Roast especially memorable.

"As far as goals go, we want everyone to have a good time and try to remember this Pig Roast as something special and different," he said.

Contact staff writer Reilly Moore at

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