The Collegian
Sunday, September 01, 2024

Letter: Living spaces should include fraternity houses

As an alumnus of the University of Richmond, I heartily agree with Michael Rogers article about a "livable campus environment."

Students should be allowed a greater variety of living spaces. Specifically, I think fraternities should be allowed houses in which its members can live and share fellowship. The lodges were a bad idea at the onset, and have out lived their usefulness. Lodges were the idea of Douglas Freeman, and they were, in my opinion, an attempt to weaken the Greek system, which they did.

The current "buzz phrase" is "affinity groups." Fraternities are "affinity groups." Universities with great tradition allow Greek houses where members live. Richmond needs to replace the current lodge system and replace it with houses, which would give students more freedom to live in spaces of their choosing. I know the Greek alumni would be happier.

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