The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Two-Minute Drill: 11/12/09

• During the final seconds of Comcast SportsNet's broadcast of the Richmond football game against Villanova this weekend, a voice was heard on the TV dropping the f-bomb and whistling the tune of Europe's classic hit "The Final Countdown." ... Ironically, that was a good song choice, because the potty-mouth had likely just seen his job go down with Richmond's winning streak.

• Dallas Mavericks owner and madman Mark Cuban said he was interested in buying the Los Angeles Dodgers if the right deal were available. ... No worries, Dodger faithful, if Mark Cuban is involved, there is no way the right deal will ever be available.

• Joe Cada, a 21-year-old poker player from Michigan, won the 2009 World Series of Poker main event on Monday, securing himself $8.55 million. ... Cada passed up college to become a pro card player, making more than eight mil instead of spending 200 grand. Sounds as if they should just give him a business diploma anyway.

• Ken Griffey Jr. agreed to terms on a one-year contract to rejoin the Seattle Mariners next season. Seattle general manager Jack Zduriencik said the team was "tickled pink" that Griffey decided to play another season. ... Maybe what Zduriencik meant was that they were pink with embarassment for paying Griffey $2 million after he hit .214 this season.

Contact staff writer Reilly Moore at

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