The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Two-Minute Drill: 2/18/10

&mbull; Orlando Magic superstar Dwight Howard said he had no beef with Cleveland Cavs steamroller Shaquille O'Neal after Shaq said Howard had not earned the nickname "Superman." ... I would like to ask Shaq to suggest a nickname of his own for Howard, because Orlando's 6-foot-11, 265- pound enforcer clearly doesn't qualify as a normal man.

&mbull; Oakland Raiders place kicker Sebastian Janikowski signed a four-year, $16 million deal with the pirates this week, making him the highest-paid kicker in NFL history. ... Everybody knows the place kicker is the cornerstone to rebuilding an NFL team, so it looks as if Raiders owner Al Davis has made another great decision for his team. Yes, that was extreme sarcasm.

&mbull; Richmond's David Gonzalvez graced the front page of's college basketball page for hours on Monday after analyst Andy Katz named him Player of the Week. ... Ironically, Gonzo didn't even win Atlantic 10 Player of the Week, but who cares? ESPN said he was the best in the land, so it must be true.

&mbull; Tiger Woods will address the media to discuss his future for the first time in months on Friday, but he will not take any questions. ... Hmmm. No questions? Really, Tiger? Why not grow a pair and just get it over with? Oh, that's right. You're a coward, a cheater and a liar. The good news? That's exactly what Americans expect of their star athletes.

Contact staff writer Reilly Moore at

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