The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Jepson faculty member to be missed

Unfortunately, this is not a reaction to Victoria Cobb and the Jepson Award. Instead, this is a reaction to something not as publicized. Jepson is losing its one true student advocate -- Ana Mitric.

When I first met Mitric, she asked our Foundations class to draw our interpretations of what a leader is. Like most groups, we drew a large stick figure that wore a crown at a podium, speaking to smaller stick figures.

Before learning anything from the leadership school, I thought leaders were readily apparent, yet distant like a monarch, head of state or even a dean. I did not realize that a leader could be the one in the front of the classroom who teaches you to be a better person, even if it is just by thinking critically.

Mitric is a true gem to the Jepson School of Leadership Studies and it pains me to say she is leaving the Jepson community in the coming weeks. Jepson will no longer be the same.

By commanding respect in a non-threatening manner, she remains approachable and most importantly, inspirational. She engages each student as well as listens to him or her ensuring a unique learning experience.

Sure, teachers appear to do this as well, but how many can remind their rising senior students of a poignant comment or story they made their freshman year?

I have been blessed with amazing teachers in the past as well as invaluable relationships with our Deanery, but the relationship I had with Mitric was special.

Although I have only taken one and a half classes with her, I have always considered her a mentor, knowing her door was always open.

Her memory and attention to detail are unparalleled, which allow her to be there for the student more so than any teacher I have known in the past.

She has made a tremendous impact on me academically and personally and I only hope that someday I can maintain that same commitment to my peers. She is a true leader and servant to her students and will be a tremendous loss for the university.

Good luck to Jepson in attempts to find someone as pivotal as Mitric -- you certainly need it.

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