The Collegian
Sunday, September 01, 2024

Q&A with Nicol Traynor

Q: What's your favorite thing about cross country running?

A: "I really like the team aspect of cross country. In track, everyone does their own thing with their own events, but in cross country, everyone does the same thing on the same day. It's a lot more motivating to run next to someone on your team in a cross country race than some random person you don't know."

Q: What is your most memorable experience in your cross country career at Richmond?

A: "Winning the conference title my sophomore year. It was a great race for everyone.

We ran well as a team and we won. "

Q: What kind of difficulties have you faced this season?

A: "I haven't faced any this season, individually or team-wise, but last year I struggled with injuries. That's all behind me and I'm back in the same shape I was in sophomore year."

Q: What are your hopes for after college?

A: "I would like to continue running after college. I'd really like to get a qualifying time for the USA Track and Field Championships and the Olympic trials in either the 5K or 3K Steeplechase races."

Contact staff writer Kristy Burkhardt at

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