The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Q&A with Becca Wann

Q: You scored your team-leading 10th goal in the final game against St. Bonaventure; how did that feel?

A: It was great knowing that we had just outplayed and beat a team that had beaten Dayton and Charlotte. As a team, we played one of our best games of the year. For me, knowing that I scored was secondary to the win. Knowing how well we played as a team was enough for me.

Q: When did you start playing soccer and basketball?

A: I started playing soccer at five and basketball at six.

Q: Did you always think you would continue playing both sports in college?

A: Yes. Since I was nine, people have been asking me which one I would choose when I got to college. There has never been a one or the other; it's both.

Q: What is your favorite aspect of each sport?

A:For both of the sports I love that they are team sports. There is nothing like having your teammates' back and knowing they have yours in return. But more specifically, in soccer I love winning headers and finishing, and in basketball I love fast breaks and passing.

Q: What difficulties do you anticipate in the life of a two-sport athlete?

A: The hardest thing will probably be that my season will go continuously from July to March, which is nine months. So there may come a point mid-season when I get run down physically. But that's when the team aspect comes in and my teammates will help pick me up and then I'll just keep on playing.

Contact staff reporter Kaileigh Connolly at

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