The Collegian
Sunday, October 06, 2024

Hurricane Sandy affects students' hometowns

Although the University of Richmond campus was largely unaffected by hurricane Sandy, many students' homes were devastated by the storm.

Senior Susie Zemcik said she was happy that the hurricane had not made much of an impact in Richmond, but that her family on the north shore of Long Island had been affected.

"There were many fallen trees in my neighborhood and downed power lines [in Long Island]," Zemcik said. "The water is contaminated, and my parents won't get power back for about a week. I can't actually get in contact with my parents right now; the cell towers are down, so I don't actually know what's going on."

On Tuesday, the Richmond College and Westhampton College deans sent out an email offering support and ways to help those families more greatly affected by the storm. "We can all help the communities affected by giving to the American Red Cross (," the email read.

"Certainly, there will be additional needs once the storm has passed and damage is assessed. Please keep those in harm's way and the first responders helping them in your thoughts and prayers."

The university operated under an altered schedule on Monday and Tuesday, and students were told to get food and water for their dorm rooms and apartments.

"I got a little bit of food and water," senior Elliott Pfautz said. "We didn't do a whole lot. We weren't too worried about it.

"It was nothing at all. People got more worked up than was necessary, but they were calling for something, so I guess it was good."

The University Police Department added more patrols during the peak of the storm on Monday and Tuesday, but there ended up not being any cause for concern, Lt. John K. Jacobs said.

Contact reporter Amanda Minnitte at

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