The Collegian
Sunday, October 06, 2024

Women's soccer loses 1-0 to Saint Louis University

The Saint Louis University Billikens (3-8-1) defeated the University of Richmond Spiders (3-7-2) 1-0 Friday night in a game that came down to the final moments.

The Billikens dominated possession in the first 10 minutes as the Spiders started the game slowly. Only eight minutes in, the Billikens got ahead when Kirsten Clemens dribbled up the right side of the field and scored from about 25 yards out.

"The kid had a great shot," Richmond coach Peter Albright said. "It would have been a great save by [Richmond goalkeeper] Emily [Kelly]."

Albright said he had been disappointed with the intensity level that his girls came out with. After the goal, the Spiders came back much more intense and controlled possession almost completely until half time.

Forty-three minutes in, Richmond's Ellie Sullivan played a ball over the top to Kristen Lybert and the Billikens goalkeeper made the tackle, earning her a red card. Without a backup goalkeeper, the Billikens were forced to play the remainder of the game with a midfielder in goal.

"I thought it was a great opportunity for us, with a field player in goal and a man up," Albright said.

The Spiders had 21 shots in the game, compared to Saint Louis' five shots.

Clinging on to a one-goal lead for more than 80 minutes, the Billikens were able to keep the ball out of the net despite having a midfielder in goal for more than half of the match.

Contact reporter Will Oldham at

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