The Collegian
Sunday, October 06, 2024

Sirens' 20th Anniversary Spring Concert to be held Saturday

The Sirens, University of Richmond's all-female a cappella group, will be performing their 20th Anniversary Spring Concert this Saturday. It is expected to be the Sirens' biggest concert ever with more than 100 audience members, senior Hayden Stone said.

For the first time, alumnae are organizing the entire concert. The Sirens contacted their alumnae last year, and they volunteered to plan the event for the 20th anniversary.

(The Sirens and The Octaves perform their first joint concert)

The group will be singing nine songs including "These Days," a song passed down within the group for the past 20 years, which will feature Sirens alumnae.

They will also be debuting many new songs at the concert including "Let it Go" from the movie "Frozen" and "Give Me Love" by Ed Sheeran.

Jacqueline Hatch, a senior and the Sirens' music director, said they had been practicing more than six hours a week in preparation for Saturday. The concert is focused on honoring all members of the Sirens and celebrating their hard work over the past year.

"Before our last song, a few words are typically said about the seniors in regards to their contributions over the years," Stone said.

Freshman Naomi Sand said she was excited to be performing in her first spring concert.

"Many of the seniors have solos and we want their last concert with the Sirens to be their best," she said.

The concert will also feature The Georgetown Chimes, an all-male a cappella group from Georgetown University.

The concert will be held 6:30 p.m. Saturday, April 12 in Camp Concert Hall. Tickets are $8 in advance and $10 at the door.

Contact Collegian Reporter Mary Rossiter at

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