The Collegian
Sunday, October 06, 2024

How to stay sane during finals

You may have to hunt for a seat in the library if you aren't there by 9 a.m. You may need to wait in line to borrow the stapler. Someone is likely borrowing your computer charger at this moment.

How are students staying sane during finals? Borrow some of their study tips, find out how they release stress and learn what motivates them to get through the week!

Nathalie Ivers - junior - accounting major, mathematics minor - Chatham, New Jersey

Study Tricks: Every time I sit down to study, I have a goal as to what I want to accomplish. I also like breaking up my studying throughout the day and week leading up to finals.

Stress Release: I love yoga! This is a great way to release stress. I go to Hot House yoga on Broad Street about two times a week and I think it really helps me stay calm when I am stressed. I also like taking walks with friends in the neighborhoods around campus. It gives me a chance to get out of the "Richmond bubble" for a little.

Motivation: Knowing that I will be home with my family soon and that summer is just around the corner!

Chase Brightwell - junior - healthcare & society and journalism - Atlanta, Georgia

Study Tricks: I try not to procrastinate too much, but for every 50 minutes of work I give myself 10 minutes of break. Also, apps that block Facebook, Netflix and Buzzfeed.

Stress Release: I study with friends, mostly because it's more fun and less stressful, but probably less productive.

Motivation: Beach Week.

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Molly Frane - junior - interdisciplinary studies double major: educational leadership & policy and Latin American and Iberian studies - St. Louis, Missouri

Study Tricks: Create a study schedule where I build in breaks. Spend a couple hours on one thing, then move on to the next, and cycle through. Getting at least 8 hours of sleep is crucial.

Stress Release: Sleep enough at night, plan my study breaks and rewards (ex: after I get through a chapter, I can go get an iced tea), work out and eat healthily.

Motivation: Thinking about how soon I will be done...that I only have a few days to be miserable and then I can go to the beach!

Michael Beck - freshman - undeclared - Short Hills, New Jersey

Study tricks: Get to your study place and focus. I start out with a list of things that need to get done and move from there, mixing the easier stuff with the harder - like do some research for an essay, then look over some econ notes, go back to the essay one paragraph at a time. Basically just mix the easy stuff in with the harder assignments to build confidence of actually completing things.

Stress Release: I just drink a lot of coffee. It helps to calm me down. I also have a relaxing playlist while I do the work, but no sing-alongs. They're fun but distracting. Also, just interacting with other people helps, but don't compare work. And finally, laugh at the amount of stress you have because it may be bad in the moment. You will get through it.

Motivation: I don't like to think of beach week or anything like that to motivate me because I will get distracted. I just try to take things day by day.

Megan Morales - junior - international business major, LAIS minor

Study Tips: Taking mini breaks! And snacks as rewards.

Stress Release: Taking a lap around the lake with a friend. It gives you fresh air and a 5-minute break to laugh and get the blood moving.

Motivation: Beach week! If I don't work hard during finals week then I feel as if I didn't earn beach week, and then don't have as much fun.

Contact reporter Megan Haggerty at

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