The Collegian
Friday, July 26, 2024

MADD vigil held on campus

Vigil remembers victims of impaired driving

Grieving family members of those lost in impaired driving accidents gathered at last night’s Mothers Against Drunk Driving vigil that was held in the Gottwald Science Center Atrium.

The gathering commemorated the victims of impaired driving accidents and reminded the community to be safe as the holidays approach, said Chris Konshack, MADD’s Virginia manager.

“It is a chance for us to come together and say, ‘no more,’ that we will do all that we can to stop this 100 percent preventable crime of impaired driving,” Konshack said.

Members of University of Richmond’s oldest a cappella group, The Octaves, performed the song “Shenandoah” at the event in remembrance of the victims taken by impaired driving.

“We were really excited to be asked to participate in this event. It’s always good for kids our age to support and encourage responsible driving,” said Isaac Rohrer, senior and a member of The Octaves.

Although the vigil was open to Richmond students, The Octaves were the only students in attendance.

Kelley Lane, minister at Reveille United Methodist Church and art teacher in the School of Continuing Studies, shared a few words about keeping strength in times of difficulty and attendees were urged to light candles to stand in vigil of the victims.

Many members of the University of Richmond Police Deptarment also attended the event in support of the families.

“This is an awesome event for the community,” Officer Renee Walcott said. “Honestly, lives have been lost with senselessness that can truly be prevented.”

MADD was founded in 1980 by Candy Lightner after her daughter, Cari, was killed by a repeat drunk driving offender. Each year, vigils are held throughout the country to deter impaired driving and to honor the victims of the crime.

Contact reporter Juliana Sorrentino at

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