The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opinion: Trump's "winning temperament" should not win him the White House

Why Trump's temper makes him unfit for the presidency

<p>Trump's performance in Monday's debate proved his temperament is no match for the presidency.</p>

Trump's performance in Monday's debate proved his temperament is no match for the presidency.

Let’s pretend for a second that the other things surrounding Donald Trump don’t matter: not the xenophobia, his refusal to release tax returns nor the lack of factual knowledge and preparation. None of it.

Let’s take Trump, the man primarily and undeniably responsible for the controversy and chatter surrounding this particular election cycle and judge him solely based on one aspect: his utter lack of self-control.

Simply using last Monday’s debate and ignoring every other piece of media that depicts him as “charismatic,” it is plain as day that the man cannot control himself. He’s actively making sure that he grabs attention by disrespectfully interrupting both his opponent and the moderator. In sheer numbers alone, Trump had Clinton beat in disorderly behavior. 

In fact, Time magazine has totaled his interruptions from the debate to 55. 

That’s staggering. That’s absurd. That’s not the manner in which the next president of the United States should be acting.

Donald Trump has time and time again proven that he is not capable of having civil discourse. Nor has he shown that he has the collected behavior and decorum needed to effectively compromise, communicate and cooperate with those of opposing viewpoints. And the truth is, if that’s how he’s acting toward those of his own country, just imagine how he’ll be when he doesn’t get his way with leaders of other nations. 

As much as Trump wants to focus on rebuilding the domestic economy, international affairs are part of the job as well, a part in which he and the rest of the country absolutely cannot afford to be brash and irrational. Hotheadedness either gets him in trouble, or it’ll end up getting the whole country behind him in trouble.

What’s worse is that he doesn’t care. He takes pride in his temper. He calls it his “winning temperament.” But that’s just not what goodwill, the foundation of diplomacy, is built on. You can’t expect to forge alliances and build bridges when you’re actively lighting fires under them even before you’ve secured the presidency.

Look, I know that a good number of people in this country are fed up with political correctness. I know that it’s refreshing to see a candidate who bluntly speaks his mind on any matter and promises to take immediate action without giving a damn about the governmental hoops that most politicians claim they have to jump through. It sure sets him apart from any other candidate. But as refreshing as that may seem, it isn’t necessarily right for the next commander-in-chief to be that way.

I’m fully aware that as a businessman, Trump has needed to create a strong demeanor for himself that certain people seem to want in the next president. But there’s a difference between being firm and strong, and having a mouth that can’t seem to be controlled.

Coming from a predominantly conservative culture rooted in a developing nation that’s been economically lacking until recently, I wholeheartedly understand why the American people are demanding a better economy. After all, your very livelihoods are at stake here. The economy obviously is a daily issue, one that apparently needs the business acumen that Trump says he has. 

But resorting to a blatantly volatile man with no discipline in regards to diplomacy is not the way to go. It may be “entertaining” now, but it won’t be when he actually has the power to make executive decisions with the entire country on the line.

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Remember, this is the next four years we’re talking about. The economy isn’t going to be the only thing of relevance during all that. Sacrificing every other aspect of your country is not worth a gamble on an aggressive and brash businessman. Even with her own flaws, go for the more reasonable candidate in Hillary Clinton. 

Go for the one that has the patience, experience and “stamina” to properly deal with issues on not just one, but all fronts of the U.S. Go for the one that realizes that a screaming match is no way for one to be heard and respected.

Michelle Obama’s latest statement put it best: “We need an adult in the White House.” And as far as I’m concerned, there’s only one adult currently running for president. 

Contact contributor Arrman Kyaw at

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