The Collegian
Sunday, October 06, 2024

New editor-in-chief's letter to the reader

<p>Graphic by Annie Scalet/The Collegian</p>

Graphic by Annie Scalet/The Collegian

Dear Reader,

I am honored to be the new editor-in-chief of The Collegian, the University of Richmond’s only independent daily news source, as we begin our fourth year exclusively online. This form has allowed us to gain new readers and extend our reach far beyond the confines of this campus. The Collegian staff is ready to build on the successes of the past and continue informing our community.

At the same time, I am taking over as editor-in-chief when our nation’s trust in the news media is at an all-time low. As the toxic rhetoric surrounding the news media in a democratic society seeps into the cracks and corners of our nation, it further weakens another pillar of open and free society.

College and university campuses have always provided room for young adults to learn, grow and freely consider the world that surrounds them. It is up to the leadership of each college campus — both faculty as well as student — to set terms and guidelines that create a culture that promotes free thinking. At UR, The Collegian has been enabling an open, free-thinking dynamic since 1902, and The Collegian’s new diverse leadership team of nine editors and 66 staff members is ready to earn your trust every day.

We will work to foster an open campus culture and shine a light on every corner of UR — from great things and hard-workers lacking attention, to shaded, not-so-good things. We hope that the light we shine on this campus will nurture a culture of transparency among the administration, faculty and student body. For our part, we will act in an ethical way and with the humility to acknowledge that mistakes can be made in the course of bold reporting. The Collegian, like every other newspaper or site, has made mistakes and will make mistakes again. We promise to acknowledge and learn from them.

Everything should be in the light on this forward-looking, free-thinking college campus.

The Collegian team will help provide that light for you. We will remain a transparent, independent voice serving all people in this community. We hope you will join us in honest discourse that is intentional and fun, but also critical when it must be.

Thanks for standing in the light with us. Here’s to our next year, and to our bright future together.

Claire C. Comey


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