The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024

UR class of 2018: a snapshot of post-grad plans

<p>The class of 2018&nbsp;celebrates commencement in the Robins Center. <em>Photo courtesy of the University of Richmond.&nbsp;</em></p>

The class of 2018 celebrates commencement in the Robins Center. Photo courtesy of the University of Richmond. 

As the semester came to a close, we got a sneak peek into what the members of the class of 2018’s plans are for the coming year as they go on to new adventures.

Kay Trulaske

Journalism and French double major

Trulaske is currently on the job hunt but said she hoped to move to New York City after graduation. She said the thing she would miss most about the University of Richmond was the people. Whether it’s to her friends, classmates or professors, the close proximity has made her time here unforgettable, and she hopes to find some Spiders in New York City as well, she said. In the past summers, Kay has had three marketing internships, so she hopes to find an entry-level job in social media as an account executive or as a marketing associate, she said.

Ben Cook

Business administration major with concentrations in economics and marketing

Immediately following graduation, Cook will begin his first job in Washington, D.C. He will be employed as a market research analyst at a small marketing research firm called Wakefield Research. While he is there, Cook will be helping clients understand their current and potential customer bases to make better marketing decisions that cater to them, he said. Although Cook said he was incredibly excited to start this new chapter, he said he wouldn’t rule out the idea of continuing his education in a few years. He said he had been looking into graduate schools in Europe and would love to study a type of cultural anthropology to complement his marketing research background. The one thing Cook will miss the most about UR is being around all of his friends, he said, because UR brings together a uniquely talented, intellectual and all-around fun group of people that is hard to find in the real world. 

Micah Newton

Double major in biochemistry and molecular biology and second major in French

Following graduation, Newton will be continuing his education at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas studying medicine. Newton hopes to one day become a doctor, working internationally, and is planning on becoming involved with the strong global health program that UTSW offers, he said. Before Newton heads to Dallas, he will be working for four weeks on a walnut farm in northern California. Afterward, he will be heading home to Kenya to see his sister graduate from high school. While he is there, he will be traveling to Tanzania and Northern Kenya while also participating in the Continuing Medical Education Conference in Garissa in Northern Kenya. The one thing Newton said he would miss the most about UR was the friendships he had made. He said he was going to miss the relationships that he had formed with his professors and said it was an awesome feeling to be able to walk through the Gottwald Science Center and the Carole Weinstein International Center and joke around with the same people who had empowered him to succeed academically. 

Camilla Cabot

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Accounting major with a minor in Latin American, Latino and Iberian studies 

Cabot will be working for EY in Boston as an assurance staff after graduation. She will be a staff member in the assurance segment and will be working on audits of private and public companies. Although she is not sure what her clients will be for her upcoming assignments, this past summer during her internship she worked on a few biotech clients, which she found very interesting, she said. Before she begins her new job, Cabot and a few of her friends from school will be going on a week-long trip to Napa Valley, California, as a celebration. Cabot will start her job in October, so for the remainder of the summer, she will be studying for her CPA certification. The test contains four parts -- her goal is to pass three of them before she starts work. Although she realizes it will not be fun to be studying all summer, she will be doing it while living in Nantucket, Massachusetts, she said. She will be working at a brewery while studying, and in the month of September she hopes to travel a bit more, she said. The one thing Cabot said she would miss the most about UR was her friends and how she always knew she would have a friendly face in her classes. 

Charlotte Dowell

Journalism and LALIS double major 

After graduation, Dowell will be moving to New York City to do marketing for a jewelry company called Julie Vos. She started out as an intern for the company two summers ago with the help of a student who attended her high school, and she has been working for it ever since. Although she starts her job fairly soon after graduation, she will be going on a trip in September to celebrate. The one thing Charlotte said she would miss the most about UR was living in University Forest Apartments. She said it was so fun being close to all her friends and she would miss going over to everyone's apartments.

Contact lifestyle writer Sophie Pilkington at 

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