The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sigma Chi suspended, under investigation for hazing violations by university

<p>The Sigma Chi lodge.&nbsp;</p>

The Sigma Chi lodge. 

The university suspended the Epsilon Rho chapter of Sigma Chi fraternity Thursday morning after it was placed under investigation for potentially violating Richmond's hazing and student conduct policies.

According to a letter sent by Meg Pevarski, associate director of the Center for Student Involvement, the chapter was ordered to cease and desist operations.

“This order means that the chapter, and each of its members, cannot engage or participate in any events as a fraternity, collectively or individually, until further notice, including but not limited to all fraternity events and operations, inclusive of chapter meetings and access to the fraternity lodge,” according to the letter.  

The letter did not specify what specific policies the chapter may have violated. 

The chapter will remain suspended until the investigation is completed, Pevarski wrote in an emailed statement. It is standard university policy to suspend organizations while they are under investigation, she wrote. 

“All allegations made regarding a violation of University policy as outlined in the Standards of Student Conduct and the University’s Hazing Policy are taken seriously and addressed swiftly,” Pevarski wrote in the statement. 

A letter of suspension is also being sent by the General Fraternity, according to the letter. 

The letter was sent to Epsilon Rho chapter president Aidan Doyal. Doyal declined to comment for this story. 

Dan Mahoney, president of the Interfraternity Council, also declined to comment for this story. 

Contact editor-in-chief Ashlee Korlach and managing editor Sydney Lake at and 

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