The Collegian
Friday, July 26, 2024

Student arrested in connection with simple assault offense

<p>Graphic by Annie Scalet/The Collegian</p>

Graphic by Annie Scalet/The Collegian

Editor’s Note: The Collegian does not name victims of crime without their permission.

The University Police Department arrested a University of Richmond student on Thursday in connection to a simple assault that took place last week.

URPD Assistant Chief of Police Beth Simonds confirmed the person was arrested on Jan. 30 and that the arrest was made on campus in the university police department.

The simple assault took place at 11:30 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 24, in Jeter Hall, causing injury in the form of abrasion, according to the URPD crime log. The offense was reported in the afternoon the next day.

"I can confirm the arrest was for that simple assault case that's listed on our crime log," Simonds said.

Simonds could not confirm whether the accused student remains on campus after the arrest. 

“What I can tell you from my knowledge is, [they weren't] removed from campus in order to arrest [them],” Simonds said. “So, whether or not [they remain] on campus, I don't have that information.”

A court date has not yet been set, Simonds said.

Keith McIntosh, vice president for Information Services and chief information officer, announced that an arrest had been made following the report of an assault during his opening remarks at the “No Room for Hate” event Thursday evening.

“The University of Richmond police department investigated the report of an assault against one of our students,” McIntosh said. “Today, an individual was arrested in connection with that incident.” 

This is a developing story. Please check back at for updates. 

Contact managing editor Arrman Kyaw at 

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