The Collegian
Sunday, October 06, 2024

AKPsi investigation ended, suspension lifted

<p>The E. Claiborne Robins School of Business.</p>

The E. Claiborne Robins School of Business.

The Center for Student Involvement has completed its investigation into the University of Richmond’s chapter of the Alpha Kappa Psi business fraternity — the Delta Zeta chapter — and found no evidence to support the allegation made against it.

The investigation concluded on Monday, Feb. 10, according to a written statement from Alison Keller, director for the CSI.

“This allegation was anonymously reported in writing on Monday, February 3, 2020,” Keller wrote. “Through the investigation process, no evidence to support this allegation was shared. However, it was concluded that risk management education, detailed pledge education program review and a defined plan to become congruent with National organization resources, policies and procedures is necessary.

“Upon completion of this action plan, the Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity will be reinstated from Probation to full Recognized Student Organization status.

“It is hope of the Center for Student Involvement that all student organizations contribute to a positive, respectful and exciting student organization experience.” 

The president of the UR Alpha Kappa Psi chapter, who requested not to be named, wrote that the organization is proud of its community.

“Our organization was happy to cooperate with the University in their efforts to ensure a safe and supportive environment for our students,” she wrote. “We are very proud of the community we have built within AKPsi as it [is] a group of like-minded and hard working students who continuously help each other grow professionally and academically."

William Bergman, marketing professor and AKPsi chapter faculty adviser, said he appreciated the efficiency of the CSI. 

“We’re just thrilled that they were able to complete this so quick and that our brothers can now go to the national conference in Boston this week,” Bergman said.

Managing editor Arrman Kyaw contributed to reporting.

Contact news and content editor Katherine Schulte at 

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