The Collegian
Sunday, October 06, 2024

Spiders back on track after victory against La Salle

<p>Guard Grace Townsend during basketball game against La Salle on Feb. 8. Photo courtesy for Richmond Athletics.&nbsp;</p>

Guard Grace Townsend during basketball game against La Salle on Feb. 8. Photo courtesy for Richmond Athletics. 

The University of Richmond women’s basketball team defeated La Salle University 67-51 at the Robins Center Feb. 8. 

Following a close defeat at the University of Massachusetts, the Spiders looked to get a win against the Explorers. UR started the first period brightly, controlling most of the early game possession. UR gained an advantage, scoring 18 points in the paint while La Salle only managed 11. 

La Salle got into the game in the second quarter and halted UR’s offense. The Spiders only made 26.7% of their attempted shots and ended the half missing all 10 of their 3-point shots. The Explorers defended well and closed the point gap with both teams getting rebounds from missed shots. The first half ended with UR leading 26-20. 

The Spiders found their stride in the third quarter and ended their 3-pointer drought. UR made two of five and had their longest-scoring run of the night. Their nine-point scoring run helped them pull away from the Explorers as the Spiders finished the quarter with 22 more points. 

In the fourth quarter, UR gained their biggest lead of 16 points as they put the game to bed. Once again the Spiders increased their 3-pointer percentage, this time rising to 42.9%. They also dominated the rebounds, getting 46 compared to La Salle’s 28. The game finished as UR won 67-51. 

“It was a team effort,” UR head coach Aaron Roussell said. “Our group played really well today.”

Some of the game's top performers were first-year forward Maggie Doogan, who scored 20 points, junior guard Grace Townsend, who scored 16 points, sophomore guard Katie Hill, who scored 12 points, and first-year guard Rachel Ullstrom, who scored 10 points. Roussell also gave a shoutout to junior forward Addie Budnik, who La Salle had double-teamed during the game. 

“I don’t like the standings right now,” Roussell said. “We have a lot of confidence in what we can do and how we can play. If we can play like we are capable, those things will take care of themselves.” 

The women’s basketball team is 4-5 in their conference (14-8 overall) and plays Davidson College next at the Robins Center at 1 p.m. Feb. 12. 

Contact sports writer Ryan Stacy at

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