The Collegian
Friday, July 26, 2024

Richmond upsets No.10 UVA in double overtime

<p>Women’s lacrosse team celebrates win over No. 10 University of Virginia at the E. Claiborne Robins Stadium on March 15.&nbsp;</p>

Women’s lacrosse team celebrates win over No. 10 University of Virginia at the E. Claiborne Robins Stadium on March 15. 

The University of Richmond women’s lacrosse team took down No. 10 University of Virginia 16-15 in double overtime at the E. Claiborne Robins Stadium on March 15. 

Senior midfielder Arden Tierney scored a diving game winning goal in the second overtime period to secure the win for the Spiders. Tierney ended the game with a hat trick, an assist and two draw controls. 

“Arden is confident, and has been a great leader for us. She took control and saw an opportunity and went for it,” head coach Anne Harrington said. 

Sophomore attackers Colleen Quinn and Grace Muldoon each put up three goals for the Spiders. Muldoon’s third goal of the game put the Spiders ahead for their first lead of the game. Muldoon also had four draw controls and three assists. 

The Spiders got off to a slow start with UVA outscoring them 3-1 in the first quarter. UR gained momentum, scoring two early goals to make it 4-3, but the Cavaliers answered back with three goals in a minute. UVA led the Spiders by one heading into halftime.

The Spiders dominated over the Cavaliers in draw controls, and capitalized on UVA’s three turnovers in the third quarter. The Spiders were able to tie the game 11-11 at the end of the third quarter. 

During the first overtime period, UVA had four shots on goal, and UR senior goalie Emilie Bloyer saved each shot. The Spiders had one shot, but UVA’s goalie saved it. Neither team scored in overtime, sending the game into double overtime. 

“You learn from the game you lose, and you learn from the plays that you lose, and you take that and it's what you do next that matters. I think we proved that tonight,” Bloyer said.  

The Spiders and Cavaliers both ended the game with 36 shots each and seven saves each from their goalies. UVA dominated the draw controls 19-17.

This was the first game during which the Spiders weren’t ranked in the top 25 on the NCAA poll. The Spiders hope to be ranked in the top 25 when they host Virginia Commonwealth University at Robins Stadium at 5 p.m. March 18.

“I think this is a huge confidence booster. The way we played tonight is reinforcing the things we have been working on and building the confidence and trust with our team,” Harrington said. 

Contact sports writer Lexie Moskovit at

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