The Collegian
Sunday, October 06, 2024

Letter from the Editors

Dear Reader,

Welcome to The Collegian! We are grateful to the University of Richmond community for trusting us and supporting our work as student journalists. We invest a generous amount of time reporting and we hope to serve as a platform for any student, alumni or community member wanting to speak out. The truth matters, and we will always do our best to shed light on what is crucial. 

Our names are Ananya Chetia and Amy Jablonski. We have been working hard this past semester as executive co-editors of The Collegian and will continue our hard work this semester.

We want to provide a refresher on the purpose of this publication and how students may best use it. 

First and foremost, The Collegian is an independent newspaper that serves the UR community, and it is impartial to issues pertaining to the university. We work tirelessly to provide accurate and timely information to our readers. 

The Collegian has been UR’s student-run news source since 1914, and we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. While we are a digital publication, we are working to make it more accessible, and plan to deliver our information through social media, graphics, audio, photography and video. If you do have a knack for any of these skills, or are simply interested, we encourage you join us for our weekly 8 p.m. Sunday meetings at our office in the Web! 

The Collegian has always and will continue to be a resource to support this community, no matter the circumstances. We implore each and every reader to reach out to us if there is an issue they believe needs to be addressed. The Collegian is also a forum for community members to express their opinions, as our op-ed submissions are open to all. 

We are more than ready for the coming semester and are looking forward to continuing to build your trust in this newspaper. 


Ananya and Amy

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