The Collegian
Friday, July 26, 2024

Field hockey ends season with loss against William & Mary

<p>UR field hockey during game against William &amp; Mary on Oct. 29. Photo courtesy of Richmond Athletics.&nbsp;</p>

UR field hockey during game against William & Mary on Oct. 29. Photo courtesy of Richmond Athletics. 

The University of Richmond Field Hockey team fought hard in its final game of the season against the College of William & Mary Oct. 29. 

With a final score of 3-0, the team completed its season with a disappointing loss, but nonetheless it played the game with the same fighting spirit it exhibited all season. 

The game was fast-paced with many shots at goal and impressive blocks by UR’s strong defense and redshirt sophomore goalie Kristen Rake. Throughout the game, UR had many exciting breakaways and traveled from the center line to the goal. Although the Spiders took 8 shots, each fell a bit too short. 

In the first half alone, Richmond made 8 shot attempts and prevented 4 shots by William & Mary, dominating control over the game. Within the first two minutes, graduate forward Lily Saunders made a shot at goal, however it skirted just to the right, grazing the edge of the goal. At six minutes, the Spiders had a penalty corner shot by sophomore midfielder Jess McMeeking,  however her shot was blocked by William & Mary's goalie. 

Throughout the rest of the first half, the Spiders repeated this same pattern of moving the ball down the field and just barely missing their shots at goal, demonstrating their true grit and dedication to their final game of the season. By the end of the first half, the Spiders dominated control over the ball and managed to prevent 5 goal attempts by the William & Mary team. 

The Spiders started the second half with the same determination and continued to work defensively to prevent William & Mary from scoring. However, the Tribe scored 3 goals notwithstanding the diligent efforts of the Spider defense and goalie. The Spiders left the game disappointed but proud of their accomplishments and eager to come back next season. 

“One of the things that they spoke a lot about this season was that we are not the sum of our parts, and that a winning or losing record is not indicative of the work rate and heart that we have,” UR Head Coach Jamie Montgomery said. “They never shied away throughout the whole game and kept working as much as they could knowing that it was still worth it even though there's no postseason in sight.” 

The field hockey team will miss its six graduating seniors Olivia De Cain, Madi Hyatt, Ella Hayes, Kaitlyn Csensits, Cori Nichols and Alexandria Lavelle. With a 7-11 overall record and a 3-6 home record, the team has much to be proud of this season. The UR community is excited to see what is in store for the team next year. 

Contact sports writer Danielle Isasi at

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