The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Poll: What did you miss most about Richmond this summer?

"My friends being a five-minute walk away from me."

— Erin McDaniel, Class of 2011

"Heartless consumerism."

— Dan Letovsky, '10

"Josh cooking my egg whites every morning at D-hall."

— Jessica Rosenthal, '11

"The cooler weather."

— Catherine McGanity, '10, from Texas

"International students."

— Dave Cannon, '10

"D-hall brunch on Saturday mornings."

— Eric Rudofker, '11

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"My friends and the gym."

— Karyn Wong, '11

"Freedom to make my own choices."

— Stephanie Granderson, '12

"Meeting people in the sauna."

— Claire Franczyk, '10

"Beach volleyball."

— Justin Sandy, '10

"My friends who were abroad."

— Radhika Patankar, '10

"The atmosphere ... being on campus."

— Sarah Goebel, '10

"Friends from Schola Cantorum."

— Mierka Ross, '10

"There always being someone there to do something with."

— Stephanie Geonnotti, '10

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