The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Two-Minute Drill: 10/29/09

• Former slugger and suspected steroid user Mark McGwire has been named hitting coach for the St. Louis Cardinals. ... Oh, I can hear the Cardinals players now. "Wait, coach, you want to stick what in my where now?!?"

• The NBA season began on Tuesday night and is now in full swing. ...

Because just about nobody actually likes to watch the NBA regular season, the only exciting storyline is the countdown to LeBron James' free agency.

• New York Jets rookie quarterback Mark Sanchez was shown eating a hot dog on the sidelines on Sunday during the Jets win against the Oakland Raiders. ... Some critics questioned Sanchez for his mid-game snack, but when you're playing the Raiders, you could probably eat a whole case of hot dogs and still pick apart the defense.

• Former tennis star Andre Agassi admitted to using crystal meth in his new autobiography. ... I knew he was too young to go bald without messing around with something.

• Halloween is this Saturday, so there are sure to be a number of star athletes appearing on campus. ... Need a costume idea? How about dressing as Boston Red Sox closer Jonathan Papelbon, only wear a Sox hat with a Hawaiian shirt and flip-flops to honor Boston's early playoff exit. Burn.

Contact staff writer Reilly Moore at

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