The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Behind the syllabus: Jeremy Drummond

What do you do during the weekends?

Outside of teaching-related commitments and producing my artwork, I tend to travel to Philadelphia, New York City and Toronto fairly often. When at home, I spend a lot of time collecting records, listening to records, making mix tapes, watching films and going to concerts and/or out for drinks.

What's the craziest thing you did when you were in college?

As with many people in this age bracket, I did a lot of crazy things when I was in college. Some of them were related to producing artwork, some were for fun and others were just plain dumb. It's all part of growing up. Although I wouldn't consider it crazy, I did relieve myself from classes for a period of time to follow Noam Chomsky on part of his lecture circuit. The fact tat I had very little money and no car made my travels less than hospitable. In the end, I got the opportunity to speak with Chomsky one-on-one and at that point in my life, that meant a lot to me.

What's one thing your students would never guess about you?

I spent much of my youth on a skateboard. I spent a number of years playing and performing in hardcore bands. I have a number of tattoos and I absolutely adore animals - especially cats. I guess that's more than one.

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