The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Students elect new class chairs, senators

Students voted Tuesday for their student government class chairs and senators for the 2010-2011 academic year.

Richmond College students from the class of 2013 elected Evan Harris as their chair, and Bradley Rotter, Casey Glick, Brian Cherry, Keefer Taylor, Maurice Jones, Jake Morrison and Colin Billings as their senators. Class senators were not elected until Wednesday because of a technical difficulty with the online voting system.

The class of 2012 elected Samuel Perkins as its chair, and Will Gordon, Jackson Knox, Elvin Merlo and Akhil Akula as its RCSGA senators, while the class of 2011 elected junior Brian Dunn as its chair, and Jason Viglianti, Charles Mike, Christopher Repas, Adam Steger, Chris Flock, Grant Gibbs and Alex Thorup as its senators.

Westhampton College students voted for WCGA senators following chair elections last week. Students elected Susie Zemcik, Kassie Pollard, Taylor Michals, Erin Lane, Hannah Goodman and Jamaica Akande from the class of 2013; Chelsea O'Neill, Kellie Morgan, Allie Miller, Lisa Gelshenen and Kaitlin Bressler from the class of 2012; and Gabriela Timoney, Kelly Padden, Gabby Misiewicz, Katrina Minoza, Ashley Miles and Elizabeth Hailand from the class of 2011.

Last week, students elected Shannon Mann, WC '13, Leigh Moring, WC '12, and Anna Kuta, WC '11, as class presidents of their respective classes, and Caroline Vincent, WC '11, as chair of the senate.


Contact staff writer Jimmy Young at

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