The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Class of 2013 celebrates Family Weekend with Senior Cheers

The graduating class of 2013 gathered with its families and friends during its Senior Cheers to toast its last Family Weekend at the University of Richmond.

This reception occurred from 9 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Sept. 28 under a white tent on the Westhampton Green.

A variety of beers, wines, sodas and water were offered during the festivity as well as an assortment of h'orderves including wings, finger sandwiches, wraps, fruit and vegetable trays and popcorn.

The two hours enabled the graduating class members and their families to gather together and reminisce about their memories at Richmond.

"Not only was I able to introduce my family to my friends," said Elizabeth Applin, a member of the class of 2013, "but this event was also special because it marked the beginning of my progression toward graduation."

The senior reception has always been a highly anticipated Richmond tradition that has been appreciated by the families of the graduates for years, said Harry Dochelli, father of graduating senior Kelsey Dochelli.

"I think it's a great event that the university hosts," he said.

This is the second time that Dochelli and his wife have made the trip from their home in Chicago to Richmond for the Senior Cheers event, he said. He also partook three years prior when his eldest daughter was a senior.

"We don't always get to know and meet a lot of our daughter's friends' parents," he said. "So it's great to be able to come to this event, and be able to get together with everyone where we can just socialize and connect with people."

Contact reporter Ryann Dannelly at

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