The Collegian
Sunday, October 06, 2024

Richmond Restaurant Week raises money for FeedMore

One of the best aspects of living in Richmond is having a myriad of restaurants scattered about the city. Richmond's Restaurant Week is one of the best times to discover new eateries and explore the city -- all while raising money for charity.

Next week from April 21-27, over 30 restaurants across the city will be participating in Richmond Restaurant Week, providing patrons with a pre-set, three-course meal for $25.14.

The event, founded 13 years ago by Aline Reitzer, aims to connect patrons with new restaurants, boost tourism and culture in Richmond and, most importantly, raise money for FeedMore.

FeedMore is the umbrella organization that oversees the Central Virginia Food Bank, Meals on Wheels and Community Kitchen. Of each meal purchased during Restaurant Week, $2.14 goes to FeedMore.

According to Christy Dalton, the events manager at FeedMore, Restaurant Week raised over $57,000 in 2013 and over $300,000 total.

"We generally say that one dollar buys five meals," Dalton said. "So if you figure that they have raised over $300,000 in the 13 years that they've been doing this, that's millions of meals."

According to the event's website, there are a number of criteria that restaurants must meet to join Restaurant Week. Unlike other similar events, there is no entry fee for the participating restaurants.

There is even a waitlist for new restaurants to join.

Each year, the amount given to FeedMore is raised by one cent to reflect the year, so next year it will be $2.15. According to the event's website, Reitzer thought it was natural to donate part of the proceeds to FeedMore, since they also deal with food.

For students at University of Richmond trying to get a meal at one of these restaurants, the best thing to do is to call ahead. The website mentions that not all restaurants accommodate walk-ins.

Taylan Salvati, a sophomore who works in the transportation office, said there was a shuttle that drops off at the beginning of Carytown, but the route ends around 5:30 p.m., which may be too early for dinner patrons.

Salvati said interested students would be better off using the Zipcars on campus or riding with friends.

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