The Collegian
Tuesday, May 07, 2024



Opinions editor reflects on 'Law school set to graduate registered sex offender'

Last week's front-page story of The Collegian raised some troubling questions, to say the least. It was a shock to me to find out that this university's law school had not only admitted a registered sex offender who had plead guilty to aggravated sexual battery, but had given him its most prestigious scholarship. My colleagues Katie Conklin and Richard Arnett, who spent weeks reporting this story, and my editors expected to receive a lot of feedback.


What's love got to do with it?

"When you're ready, come and get it." "The way you grab me...must want to get nasty." "We're up all night to get lucky." "So I cross my heart and I hope to die, that I'll only stay with you one more night." "And then you bite your lip, whisper and say, we're going all the way." "Let's go all the way tonight.


The Spider Way: In Print

The following is an interview with Vanessa Loftus Lindlaw, '03, vice president of Edelman Public Relations. What did you study at University of Richmond, and what were your post-graduation plans? Growing up, I had a lot of great career models in my family, but I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life.


Spiders for Life endorses Cuccinelli

Ken Cuccinelli has a long history of standing up for the innocent--from his work with preventing sexual assault to protecting the preborn--and that is why the Spiders for Life are endorsing Ken Cuccinelli for governor. In 2011, the Virginia General Assembly passed legislation to apply the same health and safety codes that apply to hospitals to abortion clinics.