The Collegian
Saturday, May 18, 2024



Strike a balance

How annoying is it when someone tells you that you look tired? Instead of reading that comment as an insult, use it as a reminder of the harmful effects produced by lack of sleep. As the end of the semester approaches, and we are faced with a seemingly endless number of exams, papers and group projects to complete, our sleep habits may begin to deteriorate.


Are Cain's 15 minutes of fame up?

Herman Cain is in a tough spot. Carried this far largely on rhetoric and a touted background in the private sector, the Cain campaign machine seems to be running low on fuel. Hampered by a campaign team that is poorly organized at best, a hastily crafted tax plan now under heavy criticism and allegations of misconduct with women in past positions, presidential hopeful Herman Cain seems to be nearing the end of his 15 minutes of fame. Despite all of these kinks in the armor of Cain's campaign, I think his biggest flaw is one that not a lot of people seem to be talking about.


Letter: In defense of news

Dear Editor, I agree with Mr. Ahmed that journalists must report the truth, but his November 2 Opinion Editorial "Sickness of Balance" presents a double standard. Previously, Mr. Ahmed concluded his news coverage of an October 20 Shariah Law event that the UR Muslim Law Student Association (MLSA) hosted with an opinionated assertion that "Islam, like all religions, has no basis in science." In his Nov.


Sickness of balance

I agree with the diagnosis, oft-cited by Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks, that establishment media is losing its way because of its insistence on balance for balance's sake.


Student loan forgiveness has its limits

When I was traipsing around Scotland during my semester abroad, I noticed that the plastic bags at Tesco, the mainstream supermarket, were streaked with the slogan: "Every little helps." For the life of me, I could not figure out what the missing noun was. Back in America, President Obama's newest slogan seems to be: "Every little dollar helps." For students, that is.


Time for free lunch? Not for Libya

The Libyan revolution came to an unexpected climax this past week when news broke that the deposed dictator, Muammar Gadhafi, had been slain at the hands of the rebel forces.


Kindness campaigned across America

Sorry to anyone who thought I was creepy on Tuesday night while walking across campus in the dark with an enormous smile spanning the dimensions of my face. You know those moments when you walk away from something and feel like you can change the world?