The Collegian
Saturday, July 27, 2024



Ayers tours cities nationwide to meet alumni

University of Richmond President Edward Ayers has been shaking a lot of hands lately. Now he's preparing to shake a few more. During the course of the 2007-2008 school year, Ayers plans to visit 19 cities in 11 states and Washington, D.C.


Police practice crowd control around the apartments

Because the University Forest Apartments are the main source of parties on campus at the University of Richmond before the fraternity lodges open, a heightened police presence can be seen patrolling the apartments during the first several weeks of the fall semester. University of Richmond Police Chief Bob Dillard said he assigns officers to appropriately patrol the apartments. "We don't want the apartments to turn into a fraternity row," he said. Although Patrick Benner, associate dean for residence life for Richmond College, recognized that this heightened police presence is nothing new, he said seeing police around the apartments helps reiterate to students that there are policies they must abide by for the entire school year. Underage drinking and drinking in public are the most common offenses committed by those at the apartments, according to Dillard. "There are a number of people unfamiliar with the laws around here and the university," he said. The resident assistants play an important role in helping to control the crowds found at the apartments Dillard said.


Interest in UR's Arabic courses remains strong

Sophomore Robi DeBell sits attentively in the third day of his introductory Arabic class, carefully swirling and dotting his pencil on notebook paper, copying the symbol his professor, Martin Sulzer-Reichel, has scribbled on the board.


Virginia's increased driving fees draw sharp criticism

Widespread opposition from Virginia drivers over the state's recently imposed abusive driver fees, which range from $750 for driving on a suspended license to $3,000 for motor vehicle-related felonies, may soon apply to out-of-state drivers as well, lawmakers say. The new regulations, which Virginia lawmakers designed to raise $65 million for much-needed transportation projects, took effect July 1 and is at the nexus of a conflict that has resulted in differing court opinions and a patchwork of laws throughout Virginia. All 140 seats in the Virginia General Assembly are up for election this November, which has led many state lawmakers, sensing the unpopularity of the fees, to distance themselves from Gov.


eSuds makes laundry free and simple

The University of Richmond has updated its laundry facilities, making the switch from a pay-per-use system to a one-time fee with unlimited use of brand new machines. Using a new system called eSuds, students can now go online to see which washers and dryers are available in each dorm or University Forest Apartment laundry room.


Richmond updates emergency response system

As university officials across the country have been evaluating their emergency response systems after a shooting at Virginia Tech left 33 dead last spring, University of Richmond administrators have made several updates of their own. Steve Bisese, vice president for student development, said the shooting "caused us to re-think our training programs and communications." Although he added that Richmond has had a good safety record, "we can't get fooled into a false sense of security." The university is more prepared now than it was before the Virginia Tech shooting, school officials say, but administrators recognize that the campus is a large community to protect, especially because of the many buildings and entrances. "It's impossible to guarantee 100 percent safety," Bisese said. University Police Chief Bob Dillard said although the recent updates have strengthened the university's preparedness for a potential shooter situation, the campus's safety system was still considered effective before the Virginia Tech shootings. "Prior to Tech we were more prepared than the vast majority of colleges," Dillard said. Before the Virginia Tech shooting, Richmond already had a response policy and hazardous entry training in place for years, the Emergency Response Team had been meeting regularly and firearms, except for those used by police officers, were outlawed on campus. But after the shootings in April, members of the campus community recognized a sense of urgency to update the alert system, said Kathy Monday, vice president for information services. "Tech really opened up people's consciousness about the need to communicate effectively," Monday said. With the heightened awareness felt on college campuses, Richmond administrators took several steps to update campus safety, which included purchasing a new alert system, making security changes within campus buildings, holding an active shooter drill and creating a team of administrators to evaluate reports of troubled students. "We want to be as safe as possible and also keep in mind not disrupting the education process," Bisese said. NEW ALERT SYSTEM INCLUDES TEXT MESSAGING Information Services recently purchased Connect-ED, an emergency communication system, from the NTI group, providing a single way for campus officials to launch emergency communications across the entire campus. The system, called UR Alert, can now send e-mails and leave voicemails on students' room phones in residence halls and.


A Pause to Remember Victims

By 7 p.m. Tuesday, pews were filled, leaving only standing room for the 7:30 p.m. vigil for Virginia Tech alumni in the Cannon Memorial Chapel. Maroon and orange shirts pervaded the more than 1,000 people who filled the chapel, forcing attendees to stand along the walls and sit in the middle aisle during the service held by the local Virginia Tech alumni community. Both the Service of Evening Prayer Tuesday and the Candlelight Vigil Monday honored Virginia Tech and offered words of comfort and hope to those in attendance. Acting Chaplain Kate O'Dwyer Randall opened Tuesday's service and spoke about the reaction of the Richmond community. "Like the rest of the nation, we at the University of Richmond watched with fear and shock as the day unfolded," she said. O'Dwyer Randall also mentioned a Richmond student who approached her after Monday night's vigil.


Boehman chosen as new Richmond College dean

Vice President for Student Development Steve Bisese announced Monday that Joseph Boehman would succeed him as dean of Richmond College. Boehman is currently the assistant director for residential education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.


Acting chaplain optimistic about changes

The University of Richmond's Office of the Chaplaincy started the new semester with new staff members and a myriad of ideas to bring students back to the chaplaincy. All of the changes are taking place in the wake of the departure of former Chaplain Daphne Burt, who resigned on Dec.


Final Richmond College dean candidates visit campus, meet students and faculty

The final three candidates for the vacant position of dean of Richmond College visited campus this week, meeting with students and faculty and getting a better feel for the environment in which one of them may be working. "All of the meetings had a great turnout from faculty and staff," said Steve Bisese, vice president for student development and former RC dean.


Students fondly remember Robertson

Whether he was unsuccessfully attempting to dye his hair red with Kool-Aid or writing interesting words he heard that day all over his hands and arms, Michael Robertson kept his friends laughing. Robertson's friends continued to laugh as they gathered in the Whitehurst Living Room last Thursday to share stories and memories about "Kel" at an informal memorial service. Robertson, 20, who transferred to Boston University for his sophomore year, fell four stories to his death from his dormitory window on Jan.


Richmond Law Review holds symposium

Virginia attorney general Robert F. McDonnell addressed students, faculty and staff about how easy it is for him as a Republican to work with a Democratic governor. McDonnell spoke at a symposium hosted by the University of Richmond Law Review called "Avoiding Constitutional Conflicts in a Divided Executive" at the Jepson Alumni Center last Thursday evening. About 75 law students, alumni, faculty and lawyers gathered to hear respected constitutional scholars debate the legal repercussions of conflicts between state governors and their attorneys general. State attorneys general serve in the executive branch as the chief legal advisers to the state government and its various agencies.


WILL students' stalking bill gets new life in House

The bill introduced two weeks ago by Women Involved In Living and Learning students and De'Nora Hill's mother to increase the penalties for stalking in Virginia has a new life. After the initial testimony and debate, the bill was placed in the lockbox where many thought it would remain, thus killing the bill. "Everything got jumbled when politics came into play," said Shanaya Fullerton, one of the WILL students whose class project led to the original bill.