The Collegian
Saturday, August 31, 2024

Faculty & Staff

Faculty & Staff

Faculty members visit Eastern Europe during faculty seminar

The University of Richmond promotes its undergraduate study abroad programs, but the lesser-known Faculty Seminar program provides the same opportunity to faculty members. Ten faculty members -- led by Uliana Gabara, dean of International Education -- traveled to Russia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan last May for 2.5 weeks and toured cities, museums and universities during the 15th Faculty Seminar. Gabara said the goal of the seminar, started in 1989, was for faculty members to visit and learn about a country, see how it appeared through different interdisciplinary prisms and either apply their research to their classes or develop new courses. "Faculty need the experience of learning something completely new," Gabara said. This idea appealed to Dan Roberts, associate professor of liberal arts and history, and the host of the radio program, "A Moment in Time." Roberts, who went on the most recent seminar and the faculty trip in 2001, said the program had given him the opportunity to prepare for future radio programs. "Whenever I go somewhere, I also go with an idea of experiencing the flavor of the international experience, experiencing the international culture," Roberts said.

Faculty & Staff

Committee meets to discuss curriculum changes

Faculty, staff members and a student discussed potential changes to the University of Richmond's general education requirements on Friday during an open meeting hosted by the General Education Revision Committee. The committee, overseen by the Provost's office, is charged with redesigning the general education curriculum to incorporate the academic goals laid out in The Richmond Promise, the university's strategic plan for 2009-14. Gene Anderson, the committee's chairman, said Friday's meeting was the third open meeting last week.

Faculty & Staff

Committee meets to discuss possible curriculum changes

Faculty and staff members and a single student discussed potential changes to the University of Richmond's general education requirements Friday during an open meeting hosted by the General Education Revision Committee. The committee, overseen by the Provost's office, is charged with redesigning the general education curriculum to incorporate the academic goals laid out in The Richmond Promise, the university's strategic plan. Gene Anderson, the committee's chairman, said today's meeting was the third open meeting this week.

Faculty & Staff

Core replaced with seminars

Faculty voted at the end of spring 2009 to stop teaching Core - the year-long course requirement for first-year students - and to replace it with a two-seminar sequence to start fall 2010. The vote occurred in the last academic meeting of the 2008-2009 academic year on May 11.


Former U.Va. standout named women's lacrosse coach

The search for a new head coach for the University of Richmond women's lacrosse team has ended. Stephy Samaras, a former University of Virginia defender and two-time All-American, will take over the program, which has now filled the opening left after the unexpected resignation in March of former women's lacrosse coach Sue Murphy. Samaras played for Virginia from 1997-2000 and reached the NCAA Championship game with the Cavaliers in 1998 and 1999.

Faculty & Staff

Professor creates online blog to promote poetry

Percy Bysshe Shelley once declared "Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar." With April being National Poetry Month Dr. Tricia Stohr-Hunt, a University of Richmond professor of education and children's literature expert, celebrates the beauty of poetry and its authors through her online blog The Miss Rumphius Effect.

Prof. Loo teaching her CORE class at Weinstein 303.

History professor awarded yearlong research fellowship in Tokyo

Tze Loo, an assistant professor of history at the University of Richmond, will travel to Tokyo, Japan, in July to continue research on the Shuri Castle at Waseda University through a yearlong fellowship. Loo, a native of Singapore, plans to continue her doctoral investigation about the use of cultural heritage in producing a pre-World War II Japanese identity.

Faculty & Staff

Thesis track not leading to diplomas in SCS program

The School of Continuing Studies created unrealistic graduation expectations while providing sparse guidance for assembling thesis review committees, according to dissatisfied disaster sciences graduate program students. The four-year-old program, which has graduated five students, has not upheld the University of Richmond reputation for intimate professor-student relationships, disaster sciences students Doug Goad and Andrew Hoehl said. Hoehl said he chose the program because Richmond alumni friends had spoken highly of their alma mater, returning to visit and reveling in the 2008 football championship. "That's the kind of pride I wanted for UR when I left there," Hoehl said.


Letter: A word from the business factory

I read Maura Bogue's opinion piece last week in The Collegian and found it entertaining. With humor, stereotyping is common, but I thought I should address some of it for those who are not making the journey over the lake.

Faculty & Staff

British author claims Churchill lacked strategic knowledge

Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill led Great Britain through World War II, but he lacked a thorough understanding of military strategy, a British scholar and University of Richmond professor said. Christopher Catherwood discussed his second book on Churchill, "Winston Churchill the Flawed Genius of World War II," in Room 305 of the Tyler Haynes Commons at 4 p.m.

Faculty & Staff

Speech director has her roots in the White House

Linda Hobgood has the kind of attitude about work that most people can only dream about. As the director of the Speech Center in the rhetoric and communication studies department at the University of Richmond, she wakes up every morning and can't wait to get to work and start her day. "I had the chance to do what I had been trained for," she said.

Dr. Leo, a chemistry professor who recently received a research grant from the National Science Foundation, studies pictures of nanoshells with juniors Morgan Vargo, left, and Callie Dowdy.
Faculty & Staff

Chemistry professor receives national science grant

Michael Leopold, associate professor of chemistry, received an annual grant of $85,000 for three years, a total of $255,000, from the National Science Foundation to continue his research on the interactions between proteins and synthetic nanomaterials. Only three other University of Richmond professors received NSF grants during the past year, and only 79 grants have been given to Richmond professors since June 1, 1975, according to the NSF Web site. The grant money will go toward the cost of supplies, travel expenses to present findings at the American Chemical Society meetings - including a national meeting in Washington Aug.

Faculty & Staff

YWCA names professor woman of the year

A crucial career moment for University of Richmond law professor Adrienne Volenik came not from a triumphant trial, but from an early loss. As a student at the University of Maryland, working in a law clinic similar to the one she now directs at Richmond -- UR Downtown's Family Law Clinic -- Volenik and a teammate represented a young man who had been charged with a serious delinquency.

Faculty & Staff

"Last lecture" program intended to inspire students

One University of Richmond professor will give a lecture about what he or she would want to tell his or her students if it were his or her last lecture. The professor will be chosen out of nominations from the Richmond student body, and will speak at the Jepson Alumni Center April 7. Senior Erin Fields, biology major, said she created the program at Richmond with the help of Juliette Landphair, Dean of Westhampton College, and two other Westhampton students, Adrian Bitton and Sarah Latimer.